Wildflower Engagement Session

Madeline & Trent

Engagement Session

This is my second round of photographing Madeline and Trent, now that they’re ENGAGED! cue aggressive happy dance

I’m not sure if it’s our collective energy that pulls in the clouds for ambiance, but we seem to have a theme of overcast and moody sessions, and I’m living for it. It’s giving Twilight and my inner twi-hard teen is stoked.

Taking a slow approach to this eve in the lupines, we moseyed through tall grasses and talked all things. Namely, their desire to have a wedding experience that steps outside of the traditional wedding box. For M&T, this means foregoing the expected and pivoting their plans for something truly unique.

This type of intuitive wedding planning is what I always encourage my couples to follow. A day planned with intention and not out of obligation will 10/10 result in the best day ever.